Haji Javad Mosque, located at the intersection of Metbuat Avenue and Sharifzade Street, Yasamal district, Baku city
Customer: Municipality of Yasamal
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Construction of a new residential block of 576 families with necessary social and technical infrastructure for IDPs, Mashtagha settlement, Sabunchu district, Baku City
Customer: State Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs (refugees and internally displaced persons in Azerbaijan)
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Fatimei Zahra mosque in Yeni Guneshli central massif, Surahani district, Baku city
Customer: Surahani District, Karachuhur Municipality
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Zoo in Garadagh district
Customer: Public Association for International Dialogue on Environmental Protection “IDEA”
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Administrative building of a cathedral church (Cathedral named after Ioann-Mironosits) located at Gizil Sharg street 126, Yasamal district, Baku city
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Administrative building of a church (“Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary”) located at Shamil Azizbekov street 205, Nasimi district, Baku city
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC