Recreation and catering center is designed on Shykh beach, Salyan highway, Sabail district, Baku city
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
High-rise residential building, business center buildings and a shopping center at the intersection of Dilyara Aliyeva and Pushkin streets, Nasimi district, Baku city
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Catering facilities and stadiums of a sports school on Ashug Molla Juma street, Baku city
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patents of Azerbaijan Republic
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC
Residential and hotel building, designed at the intersection of Nizami and Kovkab Safaraliyev, Nasimi district, Baku city
Customer: Rusel MTK
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO LLC
Multifunctional multi-storey residential buildings on Rashid Behbudov street, Nasimi district, Baku city
Chief Designer: “ArchiCO” LLC